
Research Collaborate Lab Hall

91㽶 Internal Funding Opportunities

91㽶departments, centers, and committees support investigators with seed funding, pilot programs, and other awards. 

Cyclical Opportunities

Deadlines are approximate. Please contact the awarding department.
Center for Imaging Research Pilot Award Program (Continuous)

Award Summary: The Center for Imaging Research Intramural Pilot Award Program is intended to stimulate research and to serve as a support mechanism for establishing the preliminary results needed to seek extramural funding. Funds are awarded on a first come, first served basis. Once all of the available funding for a fiscal year has been awarded, no additional proposals will be accepted until the next fiscal year. 

Sponsor: Center for Imaging Research

Amount: One time awards of $5,000

Approximate Application Due Date: Continuous/rolling

Contact: Jodi Nicolai

Digestive Disease Research Support Grants (January)

Award Summary: Support for investigator-initiated research grants that support original research on digestive diseases including upper gut motility and acid related diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases, pancreaticobiliary diseases, lower gut motility and functional bowel disorders. Three opportunities available: 1) New Investigator Grant; 2) Established Investigator Bridge Funding Grant; 3) Established Investigator New Initiative Grant. 

Sponsor: Digestive Disease Center

Amount: One-time awards of up to $20,000

Approximate Application Due Date: January 1 

Contact: Cathy Wenzel

Faculty Vitality Award (January)

Award Summary: The Faculty Vitality Award is intended to promote academic vitality, career development, and clinical and/or research productivity within a flexible structure which recognizes the value of scholarly development and the need to balance professional responsibilities. All faculty with 6+ years of full time service to 91㽶at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher are eligible. 

Sponsor: Office of the Dean

Amount: TBD

Approximate Application Due Date: Mid January

Contact: Office of Faculty Affairs

Cardiovascular Research Awards (January)

Award Summary: The Cardiovascular Center offers two funding opportunities to CVC members: 1) Michael Keelan, Jr., MD, Research Foundation Award for eligible junior/mid-career investigators without current R01-equivalent funding; 2) Steve Cullen Healthy Heart Research Program and AHW Award for all career level investigators with an emphasis on novel and innovative research. 

Sponsor: Cardiovascular Center

Amount: $50,000/year for one year

Approximate Application Due Date: January 15

Contact: Allison DeVan

Clinical & Translational Science Institute Pilot - Integrated Clinical and Research Ensembles (ICRE) Awards (January)

Award Summary: The vision of the is to organize and leverage clinical/translational research to improve patient health and health care. The mission of an ICRE is to integrate clinical and research faculty, community stakeholders and health system representatives in highly innovative and efficient units/Ensembles to get more treatments and interventions more quickly to more patients and our community. The duration of the Pilot/ICRE Award is 12 months, including time for team development and for the conduct of research projects. The expected outcome of these research Ensembles must demonstrate a clear path leading to a clinical and translational research proposal submission to CTSI partner institutions or for extramural funding.

Sponsor: Clinical & Translational Science Institute

Amount: $50,000 for one year

Approximate Application Due Date: January 12 (Letter of Intent deadline)

Contact: Renee McCoy

Research Affairs Committee New Faculty Pilot Grant (April & October)

Award Summary: The provides seed funding to faculty within 4 years of their first 91㽶appointment for the initiation of new projects. The primary goal of the award is to help applicants obtain preliminary results that will enable them to compete successfully for extramural funding. 

Sponsor: Research Affairs Committee

Amount: $35,000/year for one year

Approximate Application Due Date: April & October

Contact: Matt Lasowski

Imagine More Award (April)

Award Summary: The  (intranet access required) supports an 91㽶faculty member or post-doctoral researcher to carry out research designed to transform our ability to prevent, treat, or cure neurologic or psychiatric disease. 

Sponsor: Neuroscience Research Center (funded by proceeds from the Imagine More Dinner)

Amount: $50,000/year for one year. One award will be given to a promising early-stage 91㽶faculty member, while an additional award has ben introduced exclusively for 91㽶post-doctoral researchers.

Approximate Application Due Date: Early April

Contact: Erik Van Newenhizen

We Care Fund for Medical Innovation and Research (April)

Award Summary: The We Care Fund for Medical Innovation and Research Committee is requesting applications for seed funding for Department of Surgery faculty. The mission of the We Care Fund is to use contributions made available by the philanthropic community to support Department of Surgery faculty who are creating innovative therapies and clinical programs that benefit patients in Wisconsin and throughout the world. Proposals should demonstrate the importance of innovation and discovery to advance science and clinical care of patients. Any level of science is eligible for funding; preference will be given to those proposals that effectively articulate a translational theme even if the bedside application may be in the future. Proposals may include innovative basic science or clinical research projects. Potential for extramural funding will be a consideration for these applications as the goal is to conduct a pilot project that can result in preliminary data for a larger grant proposal.

Sponsor: Department of Surgery

Amount: TBD

Approximate Application Due Date: April

Contact: Krissa Packard

Cancer Center Pilot Grants (June & December)

Award Summary: The  offers seed funding to cancer researchers in ever-changing categories with a goal of improving the health of Wisconsin citizens. 

Sponsor: Cancer Center

Amount: Varies

Approximate LOI Due Date: June 1 and December 1

Contact: Nicole Davis

Children's Research Institute Innovative Research Awards (July)

Award Summary: Pilot and multi-year awards to address pediatric-focused research and stimulate a team approach to science. 

Sponsor: Children's Research Institute

Amount: TBD

Approximate LOI Due Date: July 15

Contact: Deborah Moy

Clinical & Translational Science Institute Traditional Pilot Awards (August)

Award Summary: The  funds projects that stimulate inter-institutional and interdisciplinary translational and clinical research among the CTSI partner institutions. 

Sponsor: Clinical & Translational Science Institute

Amount:$50,000/year for 1 year

Approximate Application Due Date: August 1

Contact: Renee McCoy

About Internal Funding Opportunities

Several departments, centers, and programs offer funding opportunities to support 91㽶investigators. Generally, these are pilot awards for new or junior faculty.

If you would like to post a cyclical opportunity on this page, please contact the Office of Research to have it added.