
Research Collaborate Lab Bench

Daisy Sahoo, PhD, Receives ATVB Outstanding Mentorship of Women Award

Daisy Sahoo, PhDDaisy Sahoo, PhD, Vice-Chair and Professor of Medicine, and Secondary Faculty in the Department of Biochemistry, has received the 2022 ATVB Women's Leadership Committee Award for Outstanding Mentorship of Women. The Award for Outstanding Mentorship of Women is sponsored by the Women’s Leadership Committee of the ATVB Council of the American Heart Association, and is presented annually to a member of the ATVB Council whose actions have demonstrated her/his exceptional service in the mentorship, support, advocacy, and/or sponsorship of women in the fields of arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology. Dr. Sahoo received her award at the Vascular Discovery meeting in Seattle held May 12-14. Congratulations Dr. Sahoo!